Well due to some awesome circumstances, we were able to have an internal ultrasound today and confirm 100% that we are having A BOY!!!
We are so so so so SOOOOO excited for another little prince to join our "kingdom".
I know some moms prefer the element of surprise, and some swear you can't know this early, but I will privately email the images to you if you're that worried because I promise you it is a hot dog, not a bun!
The ultrasound tech started with an external ultrasound and we CLEARLY saw three lines today - what you typically see for "girl parts" (after seeing what we thought were early developments of "boy parts" last week). Naturally, I started to panic because all week I was thinking, "We think it's a boy! We think it's a boy!" Well, the tech had a funny feeling and there is a lot to be said about a great ultrasound technician with great instincts. She opted to perform an internal ultrasound so we could be sure and sure enough, within a few minutes of "persuading" our little prince to show us the goods, right up on the screen was our answer. Just as we believed a week ago from the scans, a little BOY is brewing in my belly.
He already has a name, one that is very meaningful to Hubs and I, and we've been calling him by name for months, even before he was conceived. It came to us last Easter while we were reading John in church. The name was repeated several times in those readings and it just sat right with us. And the more I hear it and say it and think it, the more in love with it I am. The more in love with HIM I am.
I am over the moon. I feel like I am on cloud nine. I know we are only planning on having two babies and most moms would want a boy and a girl but I love LW so much that the thought of him having a partner in crime is absolutely the most wonderful thing in the world to me. Perhaps it's because I grew up with all brothers; I know having a brother is a very special thing.
So, excuse me while I happy dance and celebrate. Finding out our baby's gender seven weeks earlier than planned is a tremendous blessing. Finding out it is a boy and we can use the name we picked out long ago for him is better than Christmas :-)
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