My journey breastfeeding the first two weeks was a tremendous struggle. For moms who aren't planning to nurse this post may not be as helpful since many of the things that got me through the first few weeks are breastfeeding-focused.
1. Lanolin: I ended up getting a prescribed antibiotic ointment, but the first few weeks would have stunk even more had I not been well equipped with lanolin! I used every different sample pack and gift tube I received and they all seemed to do the same job: Make mama's parts feel better!
2. Padsicles: Speaking of Mama's "parts", birthing an almost 9lb baby didn't come without consequence in my nether-regions. I used this recipe and made one pack of 22 maxi pads...and blew through them in the first two days I was home, so I went to CVS and picked up all the items to make another batch of 22 and blew through those really quickly as well. They gave longer-lasting relief than the hospital ice packs and were more comfortable to wear. I kept mine in the fridge because the freezer was too cold for me but... If you're having a baby, make these suckers.
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4. Thank You Cards: I made a boat load of thank you cards for the baby shower but was shocked how many bouquets of flowers and different arrangements we received when Billy arrived. I didn't want anyone to feel that their gift wasn't appreciated, but I was out of thank you cards. I have a stash of card making materials and the early days babies pretty much sleep around the clock, so I tucked Billy into the Baby K'Tan and made a few more dozen thank you cards to send out. Had I known how many I needed I would have prepared and made them BEFORE Billy arrived.
5. No-Spill Water Bottle: I had heard that nursing leaves you thirstier than you've ever experienced in your life....and that statement is 100% accurate. I spilled my water cup from the hospital all over the couch too many times the first few days, so I started using a no-spill water bottle from there on out. I carry it with me everywhere I keep the diaper caddy because the moment I change a diaper and start to nurse, I'm parched!
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