Friday, December 13, 2013

Cloth Diaper Wreath


One of my oldest friends is due February 1 and is choosing to cloth diaper her sweet little babe. This naturally makes me ecstatic, so I wanted to be sure to support her cloth diaper mission and buy from her registry. 

I started by purchasing some prefolds from Green Mountain Diapers she had registered for. I noticed she wanted to try a few BumGenius diapers as well, so I tossed a few of those on too. I buy from Cotton Babies almost every time they have a seconds sale so I have diapers on hand for friends who are expecting and thinking of trying cloth :) I swear one Freetime will have you all hooked! 

The prefolds came in a boring brown box, and the thought of just opening a brown box of flat diapers sounded way too dull to me (even though I know she still would have appreciated the gift).

My mom made a diaper wreath for me, so I wanted to share the love and create one of cloth diapers for my friend! I added a few little accessories that Billy loves to jazz it up so it was both cute and full of function! Billy may or may not have tested out EVERY single thing I tied on there (he wasn't sure why I was tying his toys and pacis on a wreath...little did he know they were all brand new and NOT for him). 

Here is the end result!

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