Tuesday, October 4, 2016



There are tons of articles out there to let you know how many things you are screwing up. As if you aren't doing it enough to yourself, every news feed is full of articles from "experts" claiming they have a "solution". And you buy it! We all buy it because any solution seems better than what we have - which at many times feels a lot like failure.

My three year old goes to preschool and the philosophy on campus is to "be a bucket filler, not a bucket dipper."

When I break it down I realize a big thing: I surround myself with bucket fillers. I am blessed with a pretty bitchin' network of mom friends who drag me up from my lowest depths of motherhood woes and give me what feels like wings to soar into the next milestone in motherhood.

It feels like I am always headed out to spend time with some friend. We're going on a nature walk, to a library play date, on a stroll to the park, to a delicious dinner as a girls night out, a date to just sit on the driveway and do nothing but watch our children ride circles on their bikes. Every time I leave one of these gatherings I feel it. The heart swell. A full bucket.

I've found my people. I have found the diamonds in the rough. The world of motherhood can be cold, unjust, cruel and downright filthy. But I, my friends, have found the diamonds. They not only shine, but they help me shine. I leave these gatherings and play dates feeling like a better mom. A better person. I happier woman. A person...a beautiful person.

We may not be polished to perfection but we freaking shine.

I blog because I aim to inspire. I want more moms to feel like they're doing it right. And if they aren't, I hope they see that they can do it right. Because if I can, anyone can. Really.

I get mad. I get really stinking mad. I melt into a puddle of tears and sea salt caramels on my couch while defeatedly tossing my oldest an iPhone and hoping the day turns around. Motherhood is messy. But surrounding myself with friends who are buckets full to the brim with awesome helps. When my bucket is low, they spill a little of their overflow in so I can feel better.

Tonight, tomorrow, next week...fill a bucket. It feels so damn good. Sometimes we don't need an article to tell us how to fix ourselves. We just need a metaphorical shoulder to cry on via text message. And respond to us with "You are a great mom".

Love you all....buckets <3 


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