Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Basement Hall Before & After


Tiling a hallway isn't that exciting in a normal house, but in my house it's pretty darn exciting. You'll see when I show you the before/after photos in a second... 

Our existing tile was original to the home and vinyl. You know, the kind that you peel the backing off and stick it down? Well, a lot of it lost it's stick when our water heater hit the fritz a few months after we moved in. Plus the age of the tiles didn't help so there were just missing tiles all over the place. 

My favorite thing was when Billy would find a loose tile and peel it up himself. And then eat it. (Don't worry, he never swallowed any [I'm pretty sure] and they weren't asbestos tiles). 

So, YES I am going to dedicate one entire blog post to a tiled hallway. OH! And a bathroom. And a closet. And our laundry closet. More than just a hallway! See? That makes it worth a blog post right there. drumroll.....

On the left you'll see some sweet, vintage tiling, and a few black patches where the tiles have come up and the bare concrete slab of the basement is exposed. Ooh la la.

On the right you see our beautiful new tile. We chose a grey bamboo finish on 2x1 tiles. They are "big" for the space, but I love big tile and I think they feel right at home in that hallway. This first photo is the view from the bathroom (I have remnant carpet at the foot of the stairs/garage entrance because the salt/wet boots on that new tile was making me batty)
 Here you see some more exposed concrete on the left, and beautiful tile on the right!!
The old vanity in the bathroom was replaced with this gorgeous new one. I scored the floor model at Home Depot for 20% off with a little negotiating via eye-batting, arm twisting and a cute baby bonus points. The vanity, sink and faucet were a whopping $204 total. Winner winner, Jessie dinner.
Finally, I share with you the bathroom floor. On the left you can truly see the "beauty" of the old tile pattern. And its....vintage....charm. 
And there you have it! A beautiful little renovation to our raised ranch basement. I'm pretty thrilled! In case you haven't seen it, here is a recent pic of my new studio space/LW's playroom: 
Totally messy and lived-in and lovely. I have to admit, I never knew what satisfaction this basement would bring me. I feel so blessed to spend every day in this space! I'm staring out those windows right now planning our next walk to Starbucks, while saying a prayer of thanks :) God is good.