Friday, July 19, 2013

New Neighbor Gifts: Cookie Filled Mason Jars


This year we have had four new neighbors move in on our street!!

I'm not sure, but I am hoping they are young families like us so we can have playdates and get togethers and BBQs :) Maybe I have watched Pleasantville too many times, but a girl can dream, okay?!

To welcome the new neighbors I filled some mason jars with our family favorite, Oatmeal Energy Bites and dolled them up a bit. Nothing fancy, just cute and crafty!
I just used some scrap fabric I had on hand...
The jars I used were wide mouthed so I cut the fabric scraps into 6"x6" squares, roughly. Some edges I tore for a more "rustic" look.

Make sure the jars you use are nice and squeaky clean, then fill them with your treat of choice. 
 Peanut-buttery-tasty-coconutty-deliciousness :)

Then tighten fabric on with the lid ring only. Fabric will act as the lid cap (with the metal cap it's a little snug). 
Make sweet little tags to show off your skillz...I mean, to display your message. I folded a simple piece of mat stack paper in half and decorated the front. On the inside I wrote "Welcome to the neighborhood! :) Bill, Jess & Billy" with our house number...and of course I stamped the back with some Sparkles and Crafts love so they can find us online if they want to be internet friends first! (Are you reading this, neighbors?! Hi!!) 
Tie the tags on with bakers twine to match and wha-la! Sweet little mason jars filled with toasty, nutty goodness for new neighbors to enjoy :) 

 Deliver them in a cute basket, too.
I'm going to deliver them now and meet our new neighbors!! 

Do you have a gift you give when someone new moves in on your block? 

For the record, Princess was babysitting Billy while I did this project. No children or animals were harmed in the completion of this craft. 
They call them "Nanny Dogs" for a reason :) 


  1. Adorable! I stockpile decorative cardboard treat boxes. I'm down to Christmas and Easter themed ones, however. I am not crafty, nor do I really want to be, but I admire your thoughtful, attractive efforts.

  2. First of all, love the baby sitting picture! How cute! And second, what lucky neighbors :) I'm sure they appreciated all of the thought and effort put into such a sweet welcome gift.

  3. This is so sweet! What a fun way to welcome others to the neighborhood. We need more of this in the world :)
