Friday, February 15, 2013

Listen To Your Own Advice


Happy FRIDAY! Did you have a splendid Valentine's Day? I did!

I went to swim class with a friend and our instructor didn't show! What's with that?! We ended up remembering enough of the "routine" that we just worked out together and enjoyed our time in the water.

I took my sweet time and enjoyed the overly hot and incredibly strong pressure from the YMCA showers, lathered myself in lotion and pulled on my jammies before checking my phone and remembering, "Oh, crap, it's Valentine's Day..."

Needless to say, I had a few missed messages from Hubs who was (im)patiently waiting for me at home. Whoops!

I should have rushed home from class, because I came home to a hot, delicious meal, a beautifully prepared table and a big honkin' box of Fannie May Candies. Mmmmm. Our fourth Valentine's Day and he still rocks it every time. Go Hubs!

Other than enjoying that amazing dinner Hubs prepared, I indulged in a few too many sweets yesterday.

There were celebrations at work involving candy...I made cupcakes for my coworkers, and of course had to test a few out myself to make sure they were worthy of sharing, plus that enormous box of Fannie May's were calling to me... oh, and did I mention I baked a pie earlier this week? Can't have pie without ice cream! We're killing the last tub of it before I make frozen yogurt.

Well, I need to learn to take my own advice because today I am paying for it!!! Valentine's Day was absolutely wonderful because I once again was reminded what a wonderful man I married, but I am serious when I say NOW I'm going to start making healthier choices. Everything is okay in moderation. Not in truck loads. Billy deserves it :)

1 comment:

  1. Your other Billy needs to take your advice too, before Hubs turns into Tubs...
