Wednesday, January 23, 2013

On Top Of The World


While I've found laughter seems to be my emotional outlet while I'm pregnant, some things do still make me cry - but always happy tears.

My current favorite song is called "On Top Of The World" by Imagine Dragons and every time I listen to it, I end up patting down every pocket on me for a clean tissue or napkin to keep the mascara from running down my cheeks. It is a very fun, upbeat song and the lyrics really hit home with me.

I am a happy, positive person and I love to connect music to my life. This song really nails how I feel about being a wife and mom. Do yourself a favor and buy the album - every song rules and if you're as excited about your future as I am... you will really connect with this song.

Want to know why I'm on top of the world today? I snagged another AWESOME find from Zulily for Billy's room!


I was searching for a crib with a storage drawer, but couldn't find one that worked for us. This storage box is stylish AND functional, not to mention a fantastic price so I just snapped it up!! I can't wait until we have tiny little sheets and crib pads to store in it.

I love seeing his room come together piece by piece. Slow decorating is a constantly satisfying journey.   I can't wait to share it with you when it's all finished!!


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