Monday, December 17, 2012

Craft Show Overview


Well... It's OVER! I survived, thanks to the amazing support of my husband, who stayed loyally by my side all day long. He even left to get us lunch at noon when he saw that weak "I need a sandwich" look in my eyes. God Bless him. 

I'm glad I did this show as it was a learning experience and I had a lot of fun visiting with all the other crafters, sharing stories and meeting new people!

Here are a few photos from the big day:

Loaded and on our way!!! I couldn't believe it was finally time to show my stuff! 

Here's the whole setup! Don't mind the crooked table cloth... 

All of my Kindle and iPad cases!! 

Melted Snowmen Ornaments were the hit of the day 

 iPad cases, baby!

More fun ornaments.... the 'staches were another huge hit!

Bags & cases galore! 

Unfortunately, the show wasn't as successful as I had hoped. Many shoppers weren't aware there were more vendors upstairs, which is where I was located so there just wasn't much traffic.

I will be posting all of my items on Etsy from now on in hopes to sell them there! Visit Sparkles and Crafts on Etsy now!


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