Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Grocery Challenge 2012


We are overwhelmingly excited for our new home, but a little nervous about the actual move. We have a good sized condo with lots of nooks to store food. Yesterday Bill proposed that we don't buy groceries until after we move...July 9. The natural competitor in me said "Challenge: Accepted."

My cousin Pam was over last night for dinner & we talked about the "no groceries" thing. She couldn't believe we were really willing to try it. Bill reminded me that this would mean no Chais in the morning...and when I got to work this morning I realized I am running low on protein bars too (my mid-morning snack) so I decided to revamp the plan. Until we move into the new house, we won't buy any LARGE amounts of groceries. I think one, maybe two trips to Costco is all I will need to do. I need one gallon of milk, a pack of Chai, and a box of protein bars. I'm only human. You didn't seriously think I could go 5 weeks without Chai!?

The best part? I'm going to share this journey with all of YOU! I know, photos of food are usually pretty nasty looking; smelling food is more appealing. I just think this experience will get pretty hilarious towards the end & to me, that's blog-worthy. Let's jump into it!!

First, we have lunch from yesterday. I had a leftover sandwich from lunch over the weekend, which was too soggy and gross for me to eat, so I pitched it (I know, I know), water, an apple from our CSA, a carrot from our CSA which I peeled and cut into sticks, and a yogurt. Yum!

Lunch, 5/23
 Dinner last night was fun, I had chicken tenders from the CSA I wanted to use, so I marinated them in my favorite home made Asian marinade - soy sauce, ginger, garlic, rice vinegar, sesame oil, hot mustard & chili flakes. YUM! We also had baked potatoes (which Bill & I eat with A1. I know how weird that sounds, but it's delicious.)
Dinner, 5/23
 Breakfast this morning I forgot to snap a photo of, but I eat the same thing every morning at 9am: rolled oats with apple sauce, dried fruit & nuts. (Chai is 7:30am & protein bar is 11am - I love my routines!!)

Lunch today looks a lot less exciting than it really was. I forgot to snap a photo of my chicken patty, but I had one of those & TWO carrots, peeled & cut into sticks, with our last single-serve hummus cup.
Lunch, 5/24
I have an apple & a yogurt here for my afternoon snack if I need it.

I'm not sure what dinner will be tonight, but I love this challenge! To us, these meals are pretty normal so far, which you may think "There is something wrong with you..." but we just don't eat very much & we eat whatever we have! Like I said, the longer this goes the more bizarre the meals will get so if you think these are weird...stay tuned!! 5 more weeks of this :)

45 days & counting to move-in!!!!


  1. I don't think this is weird at all; we could all stand to get a little more resourceful rather than just throwing things out or letting them sit and go stale or bad. And now I really want some carrot sticks...

    1. Glad to hear I'm not alone!! Our freezer is still FULL of food (though our fridge is officially bare...) so I know we really don't NEED to shop, even a week into the 'Challenge'.

      ...I didn't even know I liked carrot sticks until I forced myself to eat them. De-licious!
