Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Permission to Fail


I'm reading a new book right now. It's called "The Rhythm of Life" by Matthew Kelley. In it he talks about the things that make us happy and what keeps us from general happiness. The book is fascinating and while I'm not through it yet, I still recommend it to anyone who wants to better their life.

I've started to do these things that make me happy instead of finding ways to busy myself and make excuses not to do them. You know you do that too, right? Say you're too busy to read when you know you love reading. Or exercising. Or eating well. Or doing anything spiritual. You might not want to say it, but you totally do it. I know, because I'm the queen of denial. I swore I was happy and I always did things that made me happy. Until I realized I always wished I could (fill in the blank) or could spend more time (fill in the blank). See? You know you do it too.

Missing the little luxuries and the sense of self-worth I got from earning has brought me back to Jamberry. Happiness is contagious, you know. Once you find one area of your life to improve and bring the happy into, it just oozes everywhere else until you're all full of happy.

Watching a Jam-training video today by Valorie Burton, I was reminded of this little saying. "Permission to Fail". By giving myself permission to fail, it takes the fear out of the equation. It has made me start asking myself so many questions and the answer swipes any fear right out from under me.

Why do I procrastinate cleaning the house? I love having a clean why procrastinate? Because it's a lot of work and if I don't do it all today then I will feel like I have failed. Except that's totally false. If all I clean today is the bathrooms....WE HAVE CLEAN BATHROOMS! Permission to fail granted. And huzzah! Tonight the just floors got cleaned after bedtime. Which means, we have clean floors!!!! HAPPY!

Why don't I work harder (okay, before today...why didn't I work at all) on rebuilding my business? Because I feel like I've failed and it seems like a long way to go to get where I was again...and there is of course the chance that I may fail again. But if I try and make one sale, that's a few more dollars towards my goal of having new tile put down in my laundry room! PLUS I did one thing to help another woman feel beautiful. HAPPY!

Why do I take all morning to decide if I am going to take the boys on an outing or not? Because it may screw up the 1 year olds nap or the 3 year old may have a tantrum while we are out, which is embarrassing. Or we may have an amazing time and one tantrum or one day of missed nap won't ruin the memories we build! HAPPY!

Why have I waited 28 years to join a Bible study? It's something I've always wanted to be a part of. Because I always thought I wouldn't be able to keep up and Now I am in a Bible study and I can say: I'm not keeping up! But one night out per week without my kids and surrounded by adults who are thankful for all God has given them, just like I am, PLUS free cookies is absolutely worth it. HAPPY!!!!!!!!!

I try my best to keep up in the study but so far it's been pretty tough. However, I am not keeping up because I am choosing other things that make me happy, in moderation. Some days I just play with my kids. All day long! I do nothing but play. Then the next day I mix in some cleaning, some reading, some chatter with people my age. I don't have to be perfect at every single thing every single day to be happy.

I am a terrible blogger because I struggle with perfection. If I can't write a great post, I don't want to write any. There was a chance this post was going to suck (maybe it does!) but by giving myself the permission to fail at it, at least it got done.

What can you give yourself permission to fail at?


  1. Great Post! I think i will fail today too (again). ♡

  2. Great Post! I think i will fail today too (again). ♡

  3. Post NOT a fail! Thank you love this. Mom's shouldn't have to be perfect of feel like they have to be.

  4. Post NOT a fail! Thank you love this. Mom's shouldn't have to be perfect of feel like they have to be.
