Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Too Tired To Care Quiche


I'm exhausted. I've been battling a cold (which I think I'm almost over now - celebration!) so I had to take a 'Must-Know Monday' sick day yesterday - sorry all!!

This pregnancy thing got very 'real' in a New York minute. I went from popping around bubbly as can be to dragging my feet and holding my back while I stand for more than thirty seconds.

This kid is huge.

Okay, well I'm measuring normally but based on the acrobatics and the beatings my organs/ribcage are taking from him, he doesn't seem so "little" right now! Only 8ish weeks to go and our Billy will be safely out into the world and into my arms. *sigh of relief and joy*

Over the weekend I fought my exhaustion while reaching for the Kleenex box endlessly and when I got a burst of energy, I used it in the kitchen. I made a quiche!
Not only do I have all those pie crusts from my mom, our activity with Youth Group last week was to plant "Resurrection Gardens" and starter seeds in egg shells, leaving me with a whole pile of uncooked scrambled eggs with infinite possibilities.

Resurrection Gardens & Starter Seeds
I looked online for a few quiche recipes and once I basically had the gist of it, I tossed mine together.

No, seriously, it was about 4 minutes start to finish.

I used (exact measurements...NOT!) 5ish eggs, 3ish cups of spinach (chopped), 1 red bell pepper, chopped, 1 pie crust and about 1/2 cup of shredded cheddar/monterey jack.

I layered it into the raw pie crust cheese/egg/spinach/pepper/cheese and baked at 350ยบ for 45 minutes. The result was so beautiful! Unfortunately, the bottom of my pie crust didn't cook through, so it's a little doughy down there. But LOOK how pretty it is!! And seriously delicious.

I will be making this again in the future - but possibly baking the pie crust before the quiche, we'll see how that goes. This wasn't bad at all since it's my "Too Tired To Care Quiche" :)

How do you like to spend your sick days? 


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