I searched on my favorite resource last night (Pinterest) for hours & hours to find the perfect first project. I stumbled upon burdastyle.com which ended up being much more valuable than I had anticipated. Members post their own versions of patterns & photos of the final products so you know for at least one person in the world, this pattern was successful. That gave me hope, so I pinned quite a few patterns I thought sounded possible. Not "These are the things I will make", more like "These are the things I aspire to have the confidence & knowledge to make..someday."
Originally, I hunted for hours, then stumbled upon fingerless gloves that I guesstimate will take all of 25 minutes for the average beginning seamstress (55 for me). Then I decided that might be too easy (even for me) as a first project. I don't feel a sense of accomplishment or learning if I don't challenge myself at least a little. I believe in challenge, defeat, overwhelming self-doubt, THEN success. Little try, lots of UMPH...you know? So I found this little number of a tank top (which I REFUSE to refer as a blouse. Only 65 year olds call them blouses and I'm not ready to be there yet. Even if I am there mentally more than I care to admit) & promised myself "I will make this tank top to prove I love sewing so I can have that new sewing machine." And still, it didn't seem right.
I brought my mother in, as she is my educator in all things sewing (and many other things, which you'll learn over time). She gave me an offer I couldn't refuse, so please brace yourselves.....my first project will be.....AN APRON! We went to a quilt show in Chicago a few years back & picked up the sweetest bunch of fabric along with a retro-chic apron pattern that puts Susie Homemaker's to shame.
This is truly the best of both worlds because I get to make something ultra-fab with fabrics I LOVE and have my mom there with me every step of the way for guidance! Now, don't ask me when this apron sewing will take place, since my schedule on weekends is about as clear as mud, but I will make time one of these weekends my mother isn't working delivering babies & saving lives of future moms & newborns & I will sew myself an apron!
Meanwhile, the hunt continues for the "perfect"
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