Friday, November 12, 2010

Mini Thanksgiving


Coming up next weekend we are hosting what Bill calls "Mini Thanksgiving". Thanksgiving is Bill's favorite holiday (I see it as a pre-game for Christmas, but you'll realize this as you get to know me) and he LOVES to have his family over and cook a big elaborate non-traditional Thanksgiving dinner a week before the real Thanksgiving (which is wonderful parents host, and YES we have a turkey). This year the theme for "Mini" is Cajun and Bill has quite the menu planned. He is a very ambitious (and extremely talented) cook and "Mini" is the one meal of the year he looks forward to cooking most.

As usual, I am in charge of dessert. Now the meal in itself of "Mini" is usually 6 courses, so by the time dessert rolls around we would all rather roll ourselves onto the floor and heave at the thought of eating another bite. Last year I made a rather delicious pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese frosting & the family raved about it, so now I've set myself up. This year: It has to be better.

What's better than a pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese frosting on Thanksgiving?! Oh, that's easy: flourless chocolate cake with a raspberry sauce. Of course! I'm thinking to use the linked Epicurious recipe, because I love baking off of apps from my iPhone. The Epicurious App has been very good to me, so I'm hoping it doesn't steer me wrong!

Anyone have success/failure stories with baking for the family on a big day? Or any suggestions for a flourless chocolate cake recipe? I'm open to options!

1 comment:

  1. I am famous for my Rich Truffle Wedges. Let me know if you want to compare recipes. Mine sounds very similar. Enjoy!
